It's me!
Dh and I are miscommunicating or something- for the past few days, I think he's mad at me and he thinks I'm mad at him, but we both say we aren't mad.
My friend is in from out of town, and she hasn't tried to reach me, but she's talking to lots of people on her facebook.
I think I hurt SIL's feelings because I asked our friend to babysit instead of her. (both would do fine- I just saw the friend first)
K had to get a shot today, and we found out she has eczema (hopefully, she'll grow out of it).
I'm tired but have to stay up to pump.
I sure hope tomorrow is a better day.
*disclaimer* I know it could be worse, and I'm thankful that we're all healthy- it's just been a not so great night.
Re: Someone's having a pity party, and it's not Kate Gosselin
Ugh! When it rains it pours, huh?
I hope tomorrow is better too....and if it isn't, pump and dump and knock back a big glass of wine
SIL is upset because you didn't ask her to babysit? I don't even know what to say.
Go talk to your DH. Tell him it's time to clear the air. You will feel better.
Hope tomorrow is better!
She's not "upset" like mad at me or anything- she just loves K and wants to spend time with her. Plus her sister ALWAYS had her babysit her kids, so I think she's used to being the "go to" person (she's single with no kids).
Dh is sleeping now, but we'll talk tomorrow. Thanks.
Crappy days suck, and it seems like everything hits at once.
Make it a short pump and get some rest!
I'm sorry sweetie! I cried off an on today because:
- I think I pumped for the very last time this morning and though I hate pumping this hurts my heart but it was time for us to be done...
- Jack cut not one but two teeth this weekend and so his gummy smile is in the past (well, sort of, although it's certainly still more gums than teeth!)
- Jack is going to grow up and leave me someday
- I am crazy and hormonal from drying up my boobs
"When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame
Ugh, I hate days like that. I say talk to your DH in the morning, and try to clear the air. And ask your friend to get together yourself. Maybe she thinks you are busy with the baby and wouldn't have time. And pumping sucks. There's no other way around it. It just sucks.