I just came across it and it looks like it's the new show (right?). Why are they doing the interview separately?? why does she keep saying she is doing all alone?
Has anything been said about them not being together anymore???
I would be bitter too if my husband left when we were supposed to have a birthday party for 30 kids....
Ditto... going "away" for that weekend was a pretty shitty thing to do but I guess if you're separating, it's not like it really matters what weekend it is KWIM... you just separate and tough luck if it doesn't work as well.?
Well, he apparently said he needed the weekend "off", which is pretty indicative that things are in the crapper.
Yeah, and his weekend off happens to be the weekend of the kids' b-day party. I'd be upset as well.
I'm wondering...since this episode was filmed in early-mid-May, is this the weekend all the pictures emerged of him w/ chick at 2 AM? B/c they had already filmed all the stuff for the b-day party, but have gone back and added these new "confessionals" w/ him and her by themselves. She even said in one confessional "My babies are turning...well they already are 5".
Re: J&K question (spoiler?)
Ditto... going "away" for that weekend was a pretty shitty thing to do but I guess if you're separating, it's not like it really matters what weekend it is KWIM... you just separate and tough luck if it doesn't work as well.?
Yeah, and his weekend off happens to be the weekend of the kids' b-day party. I'd be upset as well.
I'm wondering...since this episode was filmed in early-mid-May, is this the weekend all the pictures emerged of him w/ chick at 2 AM? B/c they had already filmed all the stuff for the b-day party, but have gone back and added these new "confessionals" w/ him and her by themselves. She even said in one confessional "My babies are turning...well they already are 5".