Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Would you be pissed...

If your MIL went behind your back and got DC's hair cut for the first time?



Re: Would you be pissed...

  • Yes, very much. I'd probably cry. Did this happen to you?!


  • My Mom did this to me.

    We had a verrrrrrrrrrry long talk about "boundaries" and "you're not his effing mother" and other necessary topics.

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  • Beyond pissed. And ditto pp, I would probably cry also.
  • Jen9807Jen9807 member
    You bet I would be PISSED! That is a huge milestone ans she should know that.
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  • I would be pissed if anyone did this, not just MIL.
  • yes.  it sort of annoys me when she combs his hair.  cutting it would piss me off to no end.
  • I'd be livid. ?Spitting nails livid.
  • Yes!  I want to go with DD for this.  In general, I'd be mad if MIL did anything behind my back, but this has sentimental strings attached.
  • YES!!!!

    ?It doesn't help that my DS has a head full of BEAUTIFUL brown curly hair. I am having a hard time not wanting to get it cut. We are waiting until after his birthday next month.


    Aiden 6-17-2008 Baby #2 due December 22, 2011
  • My MIL told me she is going to in two weeks when she watches him for the weekend cause he will look better for my SIL's wedding. I made my DH have a big talk with her. She has boundary issues.

    If she does it so help me God....

    and I agree with pp...if anyone did this I would be mad.

  • Oh and as you can see my DS really has no hair except in the back where there is a few curls.
  • Ummm YES! ?I would be totally pissed. It is not your MIL's place to cut your child's hair.
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    Emily 8.8.08
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    William 8.5.12
  • I think I"d cry too.. I've been looking forward to it.
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  • Yes, very much so, that's not her place!
  • imageBrookie-Cookie:
    yes.  it sort of annoys me when she combs his hair.  cutting it would piss me off to no end.


    this. :)

  • I would be livid!
    2007 BFP#1 MMC 12w; 2008 BFP#2 DS1; 2010 BFP#3 DS2; 2011 TTC; 2013 Pursuing DIA
  • Normally I roll my eyes at these because they're petty and silly.

    But this? No freaking way. I would be beyond furious.

  • ammcammc member

    can I just say WOW!  that blows and that is totally overstepping boundaries.  I don't think I could ever trust her again.  ugh... does she have any pets?  a cat?  a dog?  take them to the groomers and get them shaved bald and see how she feels.

  • I would be super pissed!
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  • kickenbkickenb member

    My MIL told me she is going to in two weeks when she watches him for the weekend cause he will look better for my SIL's wedding. I made my DH have a big talk with her. She has boundary issues.

    If she does it so help me God....

    and I agree with pp...if anyone did this I would be mad.

    Does she have to watch him?  Can you find an alternative babysitter?  I wouldn't let her watch him anymore.  If she has boundary issues, will she even listen to what DH told her?  I wouldn't trust her and I wouldn't leave him in her care.  If that was my MIL I would tell her she lost my trust be even talking about it because she should know that it's a special moment that a parent and child should share in.


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  • She has warned you. So take the warning and find different childcare!
  • I didn't read any of the responses yet, because my first instinct would be to GO BATSH*TFU*KINGCRAZY.

    Seriously, I would be so damn pissed. 

  • Yes, I might have to lay the smack down if she did that.

     (though my MIL can't really even be bothered with visiting my kids, so this wouldn't happen to me)

  • I would flip Sh!t!!!!!!! I wont even let them take him to the park before I do it with him. I will miss enough stuff and if its in my control I will not miss anything.
                     7/08, 1/12, 2/14, Due with baby #4  2/12/16 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Absolutely. end of her alone time. sorry!
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  • I would be upset and if it was a day like I was having today I would probably end up crying for a while too.
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  • i would be beyond livid. i would also not be speaking to her for a very, very long time. and she would never be left alone with ds. ever again.
  • VERY.
    "If I'm goin' down, I'm goin' down loud." -John Evans Tweet me
  •  i don't think my MIL would do this but I worry that my parents may SHAVE my daughters head to make her hair stronger.  they did it to me twice when i was small but they felt my hair was kinky.  I love the color, texture of my DD hair and i want it to be left alone. 
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