No doubt, my little guy is a milk man. We're still on Stage 2 purees and he'll only indulge those a couple times a week. Puffs? Pshaw. Cheerios? You have got to be kidding me. The final straw? I just tried mashing a banana within an inch of his life and feeding him smaller than a pea size bites. He gagged and coughed and made faces like I was feeding him knives that tasted like poo.
We are going to BF forever and ever and ever.
Re: Solids? Who needs 'em?
lol at your poo poo knives. That must be what i'm feeding DD, too.
It really goes in stages with her. Her new hate is touching anything wet. What's left is like bread, goldfish, cheerios... And clearly that's not a good diet.
My DS has been the same way. He LOVES nursing, but has barely touched any solids. It is getting better, though. We found that he liked strong flavors, like salty pretzels. Once he could break off chunks of pretzel, we stopped feeding him that. Now he eats a little bit of whole wheat Ritz crackers. He also likes Trader Joe's turkey meatballs. He eats very, very little solids each day. Puffs and cheerios were interesting to him for a bit, but I think they are too bland for him now. He never ate pureed foods, and that was hard. We ended up talking to an OT and got some great ideas. She told us to be completely neutral when he would gag or no signs that there is anything wrong. I would just clean him up very casually and that was that. We've had some recent success with DS that he will not try some banana. He has 4 teeth and he will kind of scrape some a bit off of a whole banana when I hold it for him. GL!