I agree on books. DD is really into board books, especially ones with a lot of farm animals in them. Plus they don't take up a lot of space and you can buy a few affordably.?
Also, my friend's DD has that Leapfrog barn in the first reply--it's really awesome.?
We received a personalized book as a gift when DS was born and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. It's now our fall back gift for every child birthday we attend:
Re: I need gift ideas for a 1yr old
i got this for my girlfriend's DD. ?she loves it!
I agree on books. DD is really into board books, especially ones with a lot of farm animals in them. Plus they don't take up a lot of space and you can buy a few affordably.?
Also, my friend's DD has that Leapfrog barn in the first reply--it's really awesome.?
I also say books.
We received a personalized book as a gift when DS was born and I thought it was the cutest thing ever. It's now our fall back gift for every child birthday we attend: