Our babysitter told me the other day that my son is behind b/c he doesn't hold his own bottle. She said we really need to work on that. He is 9 & 1/2 months old. Is he really behind? My nephew is the same age & holds his own, but I've never seen any other 9 month old kid do it (but haven't really paid attention until now). For a while he seemed like he wanted to & would hold his bottle some, but now he's like "screw it - why would i do it when my mom will do all the work!" and doesn't hold it at all. How do you even teach them how to do that?
Re: holding their own bottle (100% of the time)
My son never held his own bottle.
Abby seems to have zero interest in it as well.
I really do not see this as a developmental thing at all and more just a preference on the child's part.
I hate it when people take it upon themselves to decide what is wrong with other people's children.
My DS is lazy. He can hold his own bottle, but if he does, he gets distracted and won't eat as much. So I still get cuddles and get to pretend he's still my baby... and he eats a full bottle.
For serial though... I would never think of telling someone that their kid is "behind" because of something that isn't really a developmental milestone...
We use the thick Evenflo glass bottles. When they are full of liquid, they weigh quite a bit, so DD has never really been able to hold them. If she's laying on her back she can balance it enough to tip it up, but not if she's sitting up. I'm not worried about it.
ETA: DD is a few day shy of 11 months old.?