I know BW's didn't work for her. I was contemplating getting the Mirena but just found a website with about 35 reviews for it and the majority of the women that reviewed it, and I mean well over half, said it was horrible and they hated it. Apparently it is really painful to insert, you bleed for months, many end up with ovarian cysts, foul odor, and vaginal infections. This does not sound fun.
I guess it would be a productive birth control. Who wants to have sex with all that going on!? Any ladies agree that is sucks? Tell me about it. TIA!
Re: Anyone that would NOT recommend an IUD?
Let me tell ya. I LOVE my Mirena. It took about 3 minutes to insert and that was more uncomfortable than painful. Just take some Advil beforehand and you should be fine. I cramped for the first day and just a little bit the next day. I didn't spot all and now my period is almost non-existant. It's just enough to let me know I'm not pg and not to worry.?
I don't smell and have never had an infection.
Keep in mind, people are going to be more likely to post a review on something if they've had a negative experience.
Oh and one more thing. My Dr said she was cutting the strings longer so that they curl up in my cervical mucus and stick to the side. If your Dr cuts them too short, they may poke your DH and he'll be the one not wanting sex.?
I love it and will recommend it to anyone who asks about birth control. It's the only option I'll ever use again!?
I hated my IUD, but I had the Paragard. My midwife left the strings long, and they curled up into my cervix, where they poked me and made me bleed. I had foul odor. I bled constantly (last month I was soaking pads). I finally had it taken out a few weeks ago, and the bleeding and pain I was having stopped almost instantly.?
Now I'm on the ring, and I love it so far. ?
I am still breastfeeding, but I am in the process of weaning. My doctor said that it was fine to use since it is so late in the game. They don't recommend hormonal BC like the ring or the pill before six months because it can cause your supply to severely drop or disappear. Once your baby is eating solids and your suppy is well established, there isn't nearly as much of a risk. ?
The first Mirena I had before DD hurt like hell during insertion, but the one I got at 10 weeks PP did not hurt at all, I think it was because my cervix had dilated during her birth. I also took 800mg. advil before my appointment per my OB.
I spotted for about 3 days and have not had any bleeding since, that was the end of December.
Between my two IUD's I have had a Mirena inserted for a total of 3 years and have never had ovarian cysts, foul odor, or vaginal infections, or a period for that matter! I love my Mirena!
Kylie 10/21/08
Twin Ectopic - lost left tube 12/29/10
Surprise BFP EDD 8/21/13
9/24/2011 Plymouth Firefighters 5k: 47:13
11/12/2011 Diva Dash 5k: 45:45
5/5/2012 STEM school 5k TBD Coming up in 2012:
6/10/2012 Walk to Remember SIDS foundation 5k
(in memory of a sweet baby boy)
11/10/2012 Diva Dash 5k
I didn't have any of those issues. ?I did have some cramping the day it was inserted but the nurse gave me some ibuprofen beforehand to make it less uncomfortable. ?I did have to have the strings trimmed shorter a week or so later but so far it's been good to me.
ETA: I have Mirena.?
Ditto this, I love my Mirena too!
A few things to keep in mind:
1) Most people aren't going to go out of their way to review their birth control unless they're dissatisfied with it, so the fact that over half of the women that found that website and chose to review the Mirena were dissatisfied doesn't really mean much. I talk about mine on here because it's not out of my way, but I don't have a problem with it so I'm not going to go seek out sites to proselytize about my IUD.
2) You can look up the exact statistic, but I believe it's close to 20% of women discontinue their Mirena in the first year, so it is true that 1/5 women do have problems with it that are bad enough they have it removed. The other side of that is that 80% of women are happy enough with it to continue using it, so you can see that website is pretty disproportionate in its representation. It may not be exactly 20%, but I know it's close... like I said, you can look this up to know exactly.
My personal take on the Mirena: It WAS painful to insert, no doubt about it. However, it was really really painful for less than a minute, I had mild cramping for about 15 minutes after that, and then no pain since (I've had mine since September). So, for me, less than a minute of pain was worth not worrying about BC for five years. I have had maybe 2 "periods" since mine was inserted, both lasting roughly 24 hours and being very mild bleeding... other than that, no bleeding whatsoever. No cysts that I know of, certainly no odor, and no vaginal infections. That's been my experience, though of course YMMV.