DS was pretty sick last week, and along with other respiratory issues, he also had a minor ear infection. The pedi put him on augmentin (a mix of amoxicillin and something else) and he HATES the taste of it. DH and I have to hold him down and force feed him, basically, and he screams the whole time. I've tried spoon feeding it to him and he caught on to that really quick too. Anyway, now it's a fight to get him to drink a bottle, too! At first I think it was because his throat hurt too much to drink anything, but now I think he associates us force feeding him the medicine with us trying to give him a bottle. He's been drinking way less than normal lately....today was only 16 oz total. We still have 4 more days of the medicine to go but I'm afraid he'll never take a bottle agian! Has anyone else gone through this?
Re: 9 month old doesn't want bottle
DS has been drinking less lately too. We didn't mix anything with his formula, but he's on iron supplement drops and I was giving those to him with juice afterwards and he quit drinking juice. We starting mixing the drops with applesauce and he's been taking that much better. He's still not drinking as much as he was before, I'm not sure if he's just drinking less formula because he was sick or because he's eating a lot more table foods.