Babies: 9 - 12 Months

It is official. DD and I are going home...

Even if DH's school weren't closing, DD and I would have to leave at the end of June.  For whatever reason, the immigration office is refusing to even let us apply for family visas.  We'll be back in the States for at least 2 months while DH completes an EFL certification that will help him get a job and then we'll be heading off again to who knows where.  It is so tempting to just stay in the U.S.  I am so sick of the back-and-forth already just thinking about it!  I hate flying!

Re: It is official. DD and I are going home...

  • Ugh, well I'm sorry that you're going to have to be separated from your husband, but I know you've been having kind of a rough time over there so I'm also happy that you get to come home :)
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I'm not happy that DH and I will be separated for that time, but my parents are being just awesome about all this.  They bought DD's new car seat for her since she's grown so much and are going to pick up a travel crib for her to sleep in while we're there.  My poor dad has been missing DD since we left.  He perked right up when I called to tell them the news.  :)
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  • ss+elss+el member
    I'm sorry to hear it's coming to that. I know I'd hate for DS to be separated from his daddy for so long. I hope the next situation works out better for you. Your DD, by the way, is just the cutest!
  • I'm sorry that you will be separated from your DH and your DD from her daddy. I know that you guys were having a hard time over there adjusting so it's good that you get to come home for a while. It's also nice that your parents are being so awesome and helping you out :)
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • That's definitely the worst part of this situation.  She loves her daddy and he loves her very much.  Hopefully DH's next job will be a more stable one and there won't be any more disruptions.

    And thanks.  :)  We think she's pretty darn cute, too.  ;)

  • sorry to hear that it isn't working out as you hoped. you can always try taiwan!! haha-- but really i have been here for 7 years now and most of the time i dont hate it. still have medical/work permit stuff but i think i have worked with americans before that had their spouse/children over with them. i am not sure if your are religious at all but i also know that sometimes the company can sponsor the worker and a church sponsors the other.
  • Aww! Sorry to hear about the VISA problems and being seperated from your DH. Hopefully it won't be too long. But at least you will get some family time in while you are back. Plus you can use an oven again!
  • Oh, yes!  You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to using my parents' oven, not to mention having access to more fruits and veggies for baby food.  I'm still irritated that I can't make much baby food here.  I'm dying to have good asparagus again.
  • At least you have something positive to look forward to. You and your family have been on a roller coaster ride with this job in Korea!! I hope your DH finds something more stable.
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