I have no idea how you would know this except by asking the pedi for advice. Or maybe even google it but then again when it comes to something like this google may be very unreliable, although you may get some clues.
We wondered the same thing when DD was about 4 months old. Her sleeping got horrible. She would wake up SCREAMING about an hour after going to bed. Everything I read said babies don't get them. We put her on reflux meds & it stopped for a few nights but then started again. We did sleep training around 5 months & it stopped. Her sleep was just horrible & I think that's what caused it.
DS had one recently. It's very different from a nightmare or even just waking up screaming. The problem is even if he's up screaming he's not awake. He cannot be consoled in anyway. At the time I had no idea what was going on, I was about to even take him to the ER because it was nothing I had ever experienced with him before. This happened just last month. I have read that it is possible to start as young as 9 months.
In our case DS would be screaming and searching for something. His eyes would scan back and forth and he couldn't handle being held by anyone. We later learned that trying to talk and console can actually prolong that incident. Anyway, all of a sudden about 20 minutes later it just stopped. All of sudden he was back to his happy little self as if nothing happened. Rightly so, to him nothing did happen. The 'good' part of a night terror is they have no memory of it. Honestly, it was the worst thing I've experienced thus far. After that he went right back to sleep and slept well the rest of the night.
If you have questions feel free to PM me.
Proverbs 12:10 "A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals
ChipMonkey 3/19/08 *** Turtle 1/26/10 *** CarBear 10/06/11
Re: Night Terrors
DS had one recently. It's very different from a nightmare or even just waking up screaming. The problem is even if he's up screaming he's not awake. He cannot be consoled in anyway. At the time I had no idea what was going on, I was about to even take him to the ER because it was nothing I had ever experienced with him before. This happened just last month. I have read that it is possible to start as young as 9 months.
In our case DS would be screaming and searching for something. His eyes would scan back and forth and he couldn't handle being held by anyone. We later learned that trying to talk and console can actually prolong that incident. Anyway, all of a sudden about 20 minutes later it just stopped. All of sudden he was back to his happy little self as if nothing happened. Rightly so, to him nothing did happen. The 'good' part of a night terror is they have no memory of it. Honestly, it was the worst thing I've experienced thus far. After that he went right back to sleep and slept well the rest of the night.
If you have questions feel free to PM me.