... today was an exception for me
I met a mother who had a 3 week old and we're casually talking about motherhood and she asks me if DS is eating baby food and cereal and I tell her yes .... she said she started to give her son cereal AND baby food in his bottle because he was taking 4 ounces every 2 hours and she just couldn't keep up!! In my head I thought to myself my God poor baby he's 3 weeks old. I asked her how much she was giving him and she said "oh not much just an ounce of cereal and bananas.
Re: I try so hard to not judge other moms
I don't judge other moms necessarily, just stupid people.
I would have GLADLY told her she was super duper wrong. Repeatedly. Dumbass.
Me with my littlest.
all the other moms told her the cereal was understandable but the baby food was way too much.
I was just in awe.
She couldn't keep up with *what* exactly, shaking a bottle or sitting down to cuddle her son? Moron.
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