
The silver lining

All the stress of the past few months has caused me to lose the lbs I'd been working on Stick out tongue

Re: The silver lining

  • I have no idea what happened yesterday...but good for you for finding the positives in what I'm assuming is a less than great situation!
  • I just got on and wanted to tell you, I totally understand what you mean. ?I vented on here about some rough times MH and I have been having, and then I said the other day that I want to TTC#3, and someone was super snarky and passive-aggressive to me-- and I felt bad about it.

    I say vent away-- this is, in my opinion, a more appropriate forum than RL where your friends are probably going to have to interact with YH and vice versa.?

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  • Wish I could lose the last few pounds!  Good for you!

  • augustbride, I noticed that post yesterday. I also remember you posting about your big bad fight the same weekend I posted about my big bad fight. I think it's hard to get reality across on a msg board sometimes. I also think it's easy to portray a perfect picture too, I know it is. I personally get comfort knowing there are girls on here that understand because they too are having a rough time, and don't mind being real about it.
  • Im jealous! When I m stressed I eat whatever I can find...yuck.

    and I was feeling badly after reading your original post- I can't remember if I responded, or not, but I hope you're doing great. I think i recall you saying you were going to be trying sometime in the near future? so? sooner than planned is still awesome!


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