Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Lazy 6 month old!

My DD can roll back to front and front to back, she has done both a couple times a few weeks ago. She hasnt done it in almost two weeks! Her cousin is two months younger and easily rolls back to front! Grrr...frusterating.

Re: Lazy 6 month old!

  • Carter only started rolling at 5.5 months.. and now he's already trying to crawl... he gets his butt in the air or his chest in the air, he just needs to figure out how to lift at the same time. Babies aren't expected to roll as young as they used to, so I wouldn't worry too much, plus I'm scared to have a crawler in the house I would love it if he waited on this. Good luck your lo will be worrying you soon while she rolls all over the place... :)
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  • Is your LO on the larger side? DS has hit a lot of the mobility milestones later and the pedi said that bigger babies have a harder time because of their size.
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