Yesterday we went to Sam's Club (and right after, my grandma made fun of me, saying that's how Sammy got his name, arrrgh lol) and right behind us was this family with 3 little girls. The first two were probably about 5-7 years old, and a little baby who was so tiny but was sitting up as well as Sammy can, so maybe she was around 5-7 months.
It made me so sad all of these little girls were all really dirty, their hair uncleaned and greasy... The baby even had dirt smudges on her face. I wanted ot grab the kids and give them all baths. The parents too, if the father didn't take a drunken swing at me (whoo eee... the smell was too much for my pregnant tummy.)
Normally I wouldn't even notice anyone else around me (I'm shy and have anxiety issues, so stay 'within' myself a lot) but ever since having Sammy, I tend to judge people with their kids a lot more. Am I going to hell?
Re: This made me so sad...
No you are not going to hell. That is really sad. Maybe they just came from playing in the park? I guess just be grateful that your babies have a fantastic mommy who will always take good care of them.
FWIW, I think I am also a lot more judgy of other moms since I became a mom myself. I don't like it either!
I don't think you're going to hell! Your concern comes from the right place - concern for the welfare of the kids.
I hate going to WalMart because I see this kind of thing a lot there. I've seen many parents scream and swear at their kids. I even saw a mom put her kid in the backseat w/o a carseat (the kid looked to me to be about 8-10 mo). I was about to say something to her too, but dh thought it was none of my business. I still wish I would have. I'm sure she wouldn't have taken my remarks kindly - but even if it made her think twice before doing it again it would have been worth it.