Babies: 9 - 12 Months

WWYB(uy): Evenflo Titan or Britax Marathon

for our second carseat?  We already have a Britax Roundabout but I wanted one of the seats to have a higher weight range. The Titan goes up to 50 pounds and the Marathon goes up to 65.


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Re: WWYB(uy): Evenflo Titan or Britax Marathon

  • I would get a Triumph before a Titan. Way better quality. We would have gone with the Triumph, but I found our Marathon on clearance at Target for $134.99, which is way too good of a deal to pass up.

    The Triumph gets better reviews than the Titan.

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  • ajanesajanes member
    I would go with the Marathon.  Not only does it have a higher weight limit but  it has a higher shell. Most seats are out grown height way before weight.  I'd get the Marathon and make it your primary seat and the Roundabout your 2nd.  Or if price is a huge issue, I agree with pp.  Get the Evenflo Triumph Advance over the Tribute.  The Tribute might have a weight limit of 50# but it is very short seat. It will be outgrown way before your child is any where close to 50#.
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  • I'll mix it up and say neither- I'd get the Britax Boulevard. It's basically the Marathon with better head protection and a much easier to adjust harness system (It may actually have a higher height limit).
  • ajanesajanes member

    I'll mix it up and say neither- I'd get the Britax Boulevard. It's basically the Marathon with better head protection and a much easier to adjust harness system (It may actually have a higher height limit).

    Yeah, that! I have a Marathon and a blvd. I like my marathon. I LOVE my BLVD!

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