Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Effing Kate

I'm watching J&K+8 reruns - it's Sunday and there's lack of anything good on - and I'm forever reminded of what a whiner she is. She falls apart in front of her kids because they're using markers and they're wearing good clothes. And did you know that sidewalk chalk... OH MY GOD *gasp*, it creates dust!

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Re: Effing Kate

  • star173star173 member

    I know- if nothing else, she's nutso in this department. I saw one yesterday where they were in Disney, and one of the girls got ice cream on her shirt- Kate freaks out and says, "she's ruined!!!"

    I mean, I get not liking mess, but aren't stupid and saying they are ruined because they get dirty...I don't know.

  • I saw that one too... kids will be kids. Let them be messy. If you're going to a craft museum where there's *sniff* blue glue and chalk dust and markers - send them in craft/play clothes! Idiot.
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  • I'm watching it too. She is crazy - BUT, I'll bet 75% of the absolute hysterics are show, for the cameras.
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  • what a whackjob.
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  • In Kate's defence...I worked for a lady with triplets and she would dress them nicely everday. When they got old enough to go to the park, she'd freak out if one of them fell down and got their pants dirty/grass stains. I would think the same thing...why put them in nice clothes to go to the park, duh! There are people like Kate out in the world. I guess I dont think Kate is such a nut job because I worked for this lady before the show came out!
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