So, my sister is having a family cookout tomorrow.... it's at 1:30pm. ?My DH doesn't get home until 2:30pm and we live an hour away from my sister. ?So if I wait for him, we'll be there at 3:30... 2 hours late. ?Should I just go and DH can meet us there? ?I just hate the idea of driving two vehicles and wasting all that gas. ?And I hate how no one thinks of us... I know that might sound bratty, but seriously. ?They never think about my DH, he never comes to family stuff because they always have it early... they just assume I'll come alone and since it's my side they never really think much since I'm there. ?Half of me wants to wait to prove a point, that we're a package! ?Plus I hate going alone.?
Are you sure they are deliberatley not thinking of you guys? Maybe that's just the best time for them (obviously I don't know the whole situation).
If it's an all afternoon thing, I'd just go after DH gets home. If it ends at 4;30 or 5:00 and you really want to go, then I'd go with DS and have DH meet you....otherwise, I'd just skip it.
I would wait for DH. If the bbq is like any that we host it will start late and they will eat late, so you might not miss much. Just be packed and ready to go when you DH gets home to save some time.
and have fun!
I love these two beautiful children!
I would definitely wait for DH and go as a family. My family BBQs tend to go late though, so we wouldn't miss too much by being two hours late. If it's going to end an hour after you get there though, I would skip it alltogether.
Ditto this. It sounds like they wanted to do something around lunchtime. One person's wacky work schedule won't dictate everyone else's plans.
Why don't you start hosting some events if you want to set the time?
DS1 born June 2008 | m/c at 9w March 2011 | DS2 born April 2012
I would also wait to go with dh.
I went through a similar thing with my family. They would always expect me to be there for every holiday and they didn't really seem to care if it meant dh and I couldn't be together. Since we had such big families who all wanted us different places we just started staying home and inviting them to our house for the major holidays.
I'd only wait if you want to wait. If you would have fun for those 2 hours ahead of time then go.
And try not to take it personally if they plan things for when your DH is working. It sounds like he works "non-business" hours and that he may be the only one with that sort of work schedule. I get it. My DH is on call 24-7 and often works crazy hours and has to miss stuff. But I have a big family (I'm one of 5 kids and 4 of us are married) and to try to schedule things so that it works for EVERYONE is impossible. We can't go to my dad's birthday dinner tomorrow because we are busy. But they understand.
Plus, I've come to terms with the fact that no one really cares if DH and I even show anymore up as long as they get to see our kids
We could send the kids in a cab and stay home ourselves and they'd be happy LOL!