Silas for a boy? I'm not pg (yet), but we never could decide on a boy name and think this one might alright. However, DD's name is Charlotte, and I have gotten spoiled by everyone telling me they love her name and would like to give my son (if I have one) a nice one as well.
Re: WDYT of this name?
Yeah, sigh-las.
My favorite boy names are actually Asher and Noah, but DH is hard to convince :P He likes off the wall names better
It is the name of the monk in DaVinci Code. I don't think I'd be able to shake that association, but maybe that's just me.
eh, it is alright. I can't say I love it or hate it. not much help!
except that I bet it will get mispronounced a lot. My name is always misprounounced, as is my husband's and DD's. It doesn't bother us too much, but a lot of people get really annoyed by mispronunciations!
HATE Asher - obviously everyone feels very differently!
i like it but ppl might make that association. what about Cyrus?
I love the name Silas, in fact we considered it.
I don't like Asher, it is destined to be a girls name (just like Leslie, Ashley, Shannon, etc. all used to be boy names).
Noah (to me) is the pale blonde kid with curly hair and lots of allergies who always has a runny nose. I don't know why, he just is!
I don't like it. I used to take care of a bratty little hyperactive boy who was named this, and I can't shake the association.
I don't like Asher, either. It reminds me of Santa's reindeer, IMHO. I do like Noah. ?
nms. For some reason, it brings to mind a creepy 40 year old dishwasher at a restaurant who stalks you/ is a peeping tom in his free time. lol
I don't really like it, but I think it's mostly because it reminds me of a dopey, annoying guy on Survivor a few years ago named Silas.
Side story: His tribe decided to throw the immunity challenge because they wanted to vote him out (they didn't make him aware of this, obviously). The challenge involved putting a puzzle together. As the tribe was deliberately slacking in putting it together, Silas got frustrated and started hysterically screaming, "Look at the color schemes!!!" 6 years later DH and I will still say "Look at the color schemes!!!" whenever we're trying to figure something out, lol.
I like Asher but I find it very funny that it is trendy now--it sounds like a Hasidic grandfather to me.
Silas NMS
Noah is OK
Silas is cute. Definitely on the rise in popularity but still uncommon enough to be cool. I have good associations with it... a smart, very cute boy in high school. A few children and one baby I know here is Seattle (I think it is perhaps more of a popular name here.)
It kills me how someone would associate one name with one character in a book or movie. Weird. I'm guessing people used to say that about Luke or Leia, too, though.
I like it. I think a lot of names people associate with something immediately, but once they get to know that person, the association, dislike, whatever goes away quickly. So, in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it really matters, as long as it's a name YOU like.
Also, I think the new trend is names is to be "unique"...but by the time our kids are in grade school with all the other "uniquely" named children, none of these names will "stick out" as good or bad or different. There's not one "normal" name in my baby's entire daycare class.