From my local Craigslist....
I need help getting my 5 month old baby to sleep thru the night. She wakes up and will only go back to sleep by nursing. She wakes up every hour-two hours. If there is anyone out there that is qualified and has helped babies sleep thru the night please reach me! I will pay your price!
FFS! She's five MONTHS old not five YEARS old. WTF?! I mean, I understand you can't get up every hour or two forever, but again, she's five months old...a lot of babies don't STTN at that age!
Re: "Infant Sleep Consultant"
I totally agree with what you're saying ... in hinsight. When L was 5.5 months old I hired a baby sleep coach to help me because I was going out of my mind spending one to three hours getting her to sleep at night and waking up every two hours to nurse. I felt like everyone else's kid slept through the night and there was something wrong with me because I couldn't figure it out. I read four sleep books and none helped, so I hired someone to help me.
All I can say is, it worked! Although looking back I really wish I would have just allowed myself more time to figure it out on my own (and saved the cash).
FWIW, this is the woman I hired (based on a referral). We did it by phone because I don't live in California.
Wow, I really didn't know that infant sleep consultants existed. Really.
I, however, DO understand the desperation that comes with not getting sleep for longer than a 1-2 hour time period for several months.
If I had known this existed, I probably would have hired one myself.
I've been sitting here scrapbooking and thinking about what I posted. In hindsight, I should not have posted what I did. I think that there are a few reasons I found this listing odd ---- #1) I was blessed with a kid that STTN early on, so I am a very poor person to reflect on the early days. I should have thought about that before I posted. #2) I am the type of person who will do things herself at the risk of being a martyr as opposed to asking for help or hiring help. This is my problem and it IS a problem. I wish I could be more like the women who DO ask for help - it would eliminate a lot of bad feelings on my part!
So, I apologize for being a douche. I didn't mean to come off judgy and I did. Forgive!
you are sweet - no hard feelings, lol