Our DD's are the exact same age and I just have a couple developmental questions for you. DD is rolling all over the house and can rock and get in crawling postion but can't yet sit up or crawl. I know some babies are sitting up and crawling at this age (although not a lot) Can your DD sit up on her own or crawl? Also how much solids does your DD eat per day? Our pedi says that DD can have 3 jars of stage 2 a day but sometimes she just isn't interested in eating that much solids and she shoves her hands in her mouth and makes giant messes. How is your DD doing with solids? I know all babies develop differently but I am just curious of how things are going for your DD, I just find it interesting how different babies are.
Re: CEO1197
Hi! My DD is such a slacker when it comes to rolling--she never does. I guess I'm a bad mommy--she's probably not getting enough tummy time. She just has no desire to do it! She gets onto her side but won't go all the way over. I'm not too concerned yet, though, because she is sitting on her own (can't get into that position, but if I put her in the position she'll sit for a good 10 minutes before falling over). Not crawling, but she is starting to try to pull herself up from a sitting position.
DD isn't really into solids much either. She's still BF and we didn't start solids until about 5.5 months. She didn't care for cereal or the veggies we tried, but we just tried bananas and apples and both were a hit. We only do evening solids--again, I'm probably a bad mommy, but I work full time so it's hard for me to make the time in the morning to give her solids before work.