He has been a complete a-hole today and earlier DS had a blow out and I needed help, he told me I would have to wait because he was going to get a drink first. I told him the drink could wait since DS had poop all over his hands too. I then started yelling at me, threw his drink on the counter and slammed the door to the fridge. I told him to forget it that clearly his drink is more important than helping out with a dirty diaper. He went in the bedroom slammed the door and I packed DS and I up (we were all supposed to house sit for my parents 2 doors down from our house). I told DH he could come join us when he was ready to apologize. Its now been 4 hours and I haven't heard a word.
Can someone please come kick his arse? I would appreciate it!
Re: Beyond mad at DH
It sounds like you both just need a break from each other. Maybe it is good you are taking some time apart.
Well I was really shocked since things had been getting alot better between us. I also got really mad that he threw juice all over my kitchen after I had just finished cleaning it but I didn't tell him that. I just got the rest of our stuff together and left. I know he hates dirty diapers but that was overboard.
Thank you.
I am about ready to start taking bets as to how long it takes him to apologize. He has a very difficult time saying the phrase "I'm sorry."
well make sure you are open to him saying 'im sorry' in other ways than verbally. maybe he'll have straightened up the house while youre gone or something... kwim? if you guys have been having probs, don't harp on this later. he knows youre mad so i wouldn't dwell on it for a long time.
No, I would let it go completely if he did something around the house. I just have to decide since this is about the 4th time in the last 3 months that he has exploded this way. I think its ridiculous. If he does something to show me he regrets the way he acted, I will take that but I still think it needs to be discussed because this isn't ok. Since I have told him before that this behavior isn't acceptable, I have to decide how I am going to handle it. I don't want DS to grow up in a house, seeing that and thinking its ok to talk to me or his future wife like that. I would NEVER speak to him that way and he knows that. I just have to decide how I am going to deal with this. Lots to think about.
what a jerk!!