Babies: 9 - 12 Months

i just wanted some space from MIL

so I say "i'm gonna walk down to the gas station for mints" I get halfway to the store breathing deeply and basking in my freedom when MIL comes running up behind me saying "BREANNA!! THE BOYS WANTED ICE CREAM1!!"

I say "what about the 2 quarts I bought that are in the freezer?"

yeah. jerk DH sent her after me for some unknown reason for ice cream that we already have. and I gots no freedom from IL madness. THEN I had to listen to them smack their lips around their ice cream. I"M gonna lose my damn mind.

Re: i just wanted some space from MIL

  • I would be pouring a big glass of wine if I were you.  :)
  • Angry

    that sucks.  are they staying in your house or at a hotel?  did you not take your phone?

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  • Oh you poor poor thing....
    Nathan Thomas, C-section (frank breech), September 22, 2008 Maren Anne, VBAC, April 6, 2010 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Oh, Bre.  Serenity now!!
  • Ugh! I would choke him! 
  • *Bre**Bre* member
    I had my phone on me, they are staying with us, so it has been 24-7/. they get up at 7 am and get DS up too so then I have to get up (DS will stay down until 9am). THEN I have to wake DH up (they're his parents FFS) and he keeps going back to sleep on me!
  • Yikes!  Hopefully he will not start waking up at 7am when they leave!  How long are they staying?
  • kirbabekirbabe member

     THEN I had to listen to them smack their lips around their ice cream. I"M gonna lose my damn mind.

    Blech!  I'm annoyed for you, too!  I can't stand listening to loud eaters!!!  It makes me ill.  Ick! 


    But your little boy looks terribly adorable!

    Sisters:  Now and then.


    Elijah's 1st day of Kindergarten!
  • *Bre**Bre* member

    Yikes!  Hopefully he will not start waking up at 7am when they leave!  How long are they staying?

    ugh. they are leaving tuesday (been here since thursday), BUT we are going to the Omaha zoo with them AND staying in their hotel room monday night so I also have to be out of my element with them trapped in a tiny hotel room.

  • Oh no! Hopefully the time flies by!
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