Hi, I need advice on going to Riviera Maya with a 9 month old. It's for a wedding and we will be there for an entire week. Any suggestions on how to wash and sterilize his bottles? I am almost done with nursing so he is on a lot of formula now. I am freaking out, first about going to Mexico with him, but I have spoken to my pediatrician, who made me feel better. Second, on what to pack!!! I don't think there are microwaves in the rooms. Any info would be great, packing list,ect....How many diapers?? ahhh!!!! help.
Re: Traveling with 9 month old
We just got back from St. John, VI with DD. Down there the only water is cistern water (rain water collected during storms and stored in huge tanks under the homes). I used this water to wash and rinse her bottles (the water got pretty hot though) and used distilled water for the formula. She was fine! She also ate the ice cubes from the house and didn't have a problem. I know that the water in Mexico is different so but I am thinking that if you can get some really hot water, hopefully it will be okay - I mean, what do they do with the plates, glasses and utencils they wash?!?! If you're not comfortable, do you think your DS would do okay with Drop Ins bottles? Try before you go - that way at least you know the liner is sterile and the nipple can be rinsed in distilled as pp said.
As for diapers, I think for the week I brought along a 28 pack along with whatever was in my diaper bag. I ran out a day early. I thought I would have enough because I knew that DD would be in her swim diapers most of the time (reusable/washable) but I still ran out. I also brought a 23 oz can of formula and ran out the day before - so we had to spend about $60 bucks on the smallest can of formula and diapers. So, bring extra if you think you have enough.
Use the Playtex dropins as pp posted. Rinse the nipple with bottled water and use travel size bottle soap that is sold at BRU. Sterlize when you get home. Use bottled water for bottles. Be careful that LO doesn't drink bath water. No ice cubes.
Plan extra diapers and wipes. We have been away for 40 days. I overpacked, and I don't regret it. Bring a first aid kit, baby Motrin or Tylenol, etc. Saline spray is great for the airplane and at night so baby can breathe. Bring lots of toys so baby isn't eating stuff in the hotel room. Don't forget the lovey/blanket, and try to use a baby carrier in the airport; it's very helpful.