Babies: 9 - 12 Months

DD is a full fledged independent bottle holder

She totally grabs it out of my hand to do it herself. lol

"do it herself" also includes spraying the formula out of the nipple like a garden hose, and turning it upside down and letting it all run out.

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Re: DD is a full fledged independent bottle holder

  • I'm so jealous!

    DS is 14 months actual and 10 months adjusted so developmentally right around the same age as your DD. We still have to hold his bottle for him. The only thing he does when we let him hold it is shake it and let it spray everywhere or spray the nipple like a garden hose just like your DD.

    I just got some Born Free sippy cups from BRU yesterday. They seem more like bottles and a better transition to the sippy cup for him then going straight to the sippy cup.

    Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14

  • Yay! Isn't it awesome...Hayden was the last of our bunch to do it the last couple of weeks have been awesome!!! I don't even care about the milk getting everywhere LOL
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