Aside from their own absurd 3-ring circus drama (which i'm not entirely convinced isn't just a publicity stunt to boost ratings), their lives are so freaking chaotic that when I watch the show, I just sit back and think "thank god that's not me." ?
I'm long past thinking I could do it better than her (although I really dislike some of the things they do), now I"m just relieved out of my mind that I will never have 8 kids (or that hair).?
Re: J&K+8 makes me feel so much better about my life...
~ Hoping to add to our family by adoption via Connecticut DCF. Application submitted on 2/4/14. First home visit on 6/23/14. Started class 11/17/14.~
Heh - I came home to DH watching the J&K+8 marathon! Sometimes I wonder who the wife is in this relationship.
I don't think I've ever watched a full episode, so I probably haven't seen the extent of her bitchiness, but everytime someone says something about her, I always think that if I had 8 kids (especially that close in age) and was a bit of a neat freak, I'd be a raging ***, too!
Honestly it's horrible...that show makes me sick. I loved it when they were almost normal, now however it's all a front and I don't have time to watch that crap...those poor poor children....
and that hair....she looks like a freaking SKUNK! What is going on with's like a new female mullet.
I have to say, as a mom of twins, it is pretty chaotic and insane to have TWO babies at the same time to tend to. It was and still is insane. Anyone who has multiples will agree with me. And I am not talking about multiple children, I am talking about multiple babies--twins, trips, etc..
That being said, who the feck knows how much of that show, especially now, is staged v. 'real'. She is no doubt a bit of a *** and control freak, but there is no way you can NOT be when you have THAT many kids of the SAME age. You live and die by their schedule. It is different than having one baby at a time or several kids but of different ages. If my 2 girls do not eat/attempt to nap/play at the same time, there would be utter cahos in my house and life and we wouldn't be able to get ANYTHING, not even a shower, accomplished. I am rigid with their schedule and b/c of that, I can plan on when we can go out and do things. I can understand Kate's rigidness with theor schedule.
I give her (and him of course) A LOT of credit.
I have twins, like her. I can't IMAGINE adding sextuplets. I would go INSANE.
Yes, I realize that mothers of singletons couldn't possibly comprehend what it is like to be the parent of a multiple. ?
I give them credit for getting through the day; I don't give them credit for being kind and loving people to each other or their kids 1/2 the time. ?
I don't think they give love and kindness to other people or their kids 1/2 the time. They get upset, agitated and stressed out like any other parents, only it is x100 b/c of the amount of kids they have. (and of course, it doesn't help that footage of them is cut and pasted to suit TV viewers and producers.)
Eh--they are on TV and chose to continue b/c of the $$ they are making depsite the bad publicity and constant criticism.