I seriously just made my baby look as he can. He's still adorable, obviously, but man did I just screw him up.
DS was born with a ton of hair, and never lost any of it. He's got at least three really strange whorls on the back of his hair pattern (called "really strange" by a friend in cosmetology school) and has had his hair cut twice by professionals.
But then DH got laid off and we can't afford $15 baby haircuts, and I cut DH's hair (straight buzz, he's balding and in the military) so he convinced me to cut DS's.
And I fuucked it up royally. We did a 3 all over his head, and it's SOOOO much shorter than I wanted to go. I took a baby with beautiful hair and took it all off- why would I do that! I'm so pissed at myself right now. Not cutting his hair for MONTHS. Argh.
Re: I just jacked up DS's hair....
Mark 14:52