Babies: 9 - 12 Months


I was getting so worried about my mother.  I've been calling her every day this week and she hasn't answered or called me back.  I thought maybe she was angry with me for something, but then yesterday my brother asked me if I'd talked to her cause he's been doing the same thing.  He thought she was angry with him!  I was going to just drop by her house because although I know she's a busy lady it's been a whole week and I was getting scared.  So before doing that I just called my grandmother and she saw her yesterday.  So apparently my mother is just being rude.  WTF lady!!  Call your kids back!!  My imagination was beginning to run away with me...


  • That is crappy, I would be worried to. 
  • star173star173 member
    Yikes! Have you talked to her yet?
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  • Whoa, that's a messed up thing to do to her kids!  I would've been freaking out, too.  Why do you think she's being rude?  Did something happen?
  • ever since my dad passed away my mom can be like that too. Seriously, what is wrong with these women? We have enough to worry about on a daily basis than worry about what is with them. Oh, and my mom lives in FL and I'm in NY so I can't just go there!
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  • When my mom and I still spoke it was like this too. And I would get worried enough that I would call 3-4 times back to back to make sure she was able to hear her phone ringing. Days later I would finally get ahold of her and her answer would be 'oh yeah I saw you called, I was just in the middle of something, or busy'. Ok I understand busy but what if the reason I was ringing your phone off the hook multiplle times a day was becasue something was wrong or there was an emergency? My mother is an idiot though. I hope you mom knocks it off cuz thats a scary thing to have to deal with.
  • My mother does the same thing!  It drives me up a wall. 
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