With all of the talk of baby pools on here lately, I thought i'd get a cute little pool and some toys for a friend's DD (belated first birthday). I spent a while in Target tonight picking out the right one for her, and one for DD.
I finally just got DD to sleep and went onto facebook to see what was going on. I see this friend has her DD in a baby pool on her porch and her caption is something about how she hates it. She just updated it sometime today so I wouldn't have caught the photo earlier (i've been home and really busy today).
Damn! I went through the clothes section and didn't find anything that I really super liked, so I guess i'm going to return the pool and just get her a g.c....
Re: Crap. My awesome birthday gift idea was a terrible idea...
It was a good try! GC is always a welcome gift.
What is the play table in your sig? DS needs something like that!
DS1 born June 2008 | m/c at 9w March 2011 | DS2 born April 2012
It's the Leap Frog Learn & Groove Musical Table. She's been using it since she just started sitting up (with the legs off). Seriously worth the loot!
Thanks! DS keeps pulling himself up on his exasaucer! Not the most stable thing.