Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Professional pix -- any tips/advice?

We're having pictures done in the park outside our apartment tomorrow, mostly of Lyla, but a few family ones too. I've got a couple outfits picked out for her, and we'll bring some toys for entertainment... but anything else I should do or bring?

We've never had pro pix done with her before, so I don't know what to expect... I'm hoping she's her usual smiley self!  But who knows with all the teething, ugh.

Re: Professional pix -- any tips/advice?

  • sounds like you have it mostly covered!  I'd suggest trying to get a nap in before hand, if you can.  Also, put your favorite outfit on her first. We rarely get good pics in DS's second & third outfits because he gets bored and cranky about being changed. Have fun! 

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