DD is a light eater so I started to do more table foods with her because I was tired of wasting so much of the Stage3 jars... She does like some of the breakfast flavors and the plain veggies, but she'll only eat 1/2 of the jar at a time and the variety of flavors is pretty slim.
Also, how much BM/formula are your DC's drinking? DD is still drinking 4 6-8oz bottles a day and the amount isn't decreasing... I know it's ok because she's still growing, but anyone else feel like it should be decreasing?
Re: How much purees are your 10mo. old's eating?
I try to make sure DD gets at least 20-24 oz of formula a day. Along with that, she typically eats oatmeal with a container of stage 2 fruit. then she'll have a container of stage 2 vegetables and maybe some rice cereal. She'll also eat some puffs, cheerios, graham crackers, peaches, beans, pasta, or whatever else they're serving at daycare. They're trying out a few more items now a days. But she still loves the purees.
He's getting mostly table food. Everything else isn't really pureed. Sometimes he gets pears in he morning but usually he gets grits, cream of wheat or pancakes. He's drinking 24 oz of milk but we moved him down from 32 oz last week becuase I felt it was too much. He didn't seem to miss it so its working.