Babies: 9 - 12 Months

PIP-looking your age and getting carded-Late post!

This is my daughter and myself at her wedding.  She is 23 and still gets carded all the time.  I'm 47 and while I don't get carded, whenever I have my granddaughter people think I'm her mom.  Love the ego boost!  Big Smile 



Re: PIP-looking your age and getting carded-Late post!

  • It's too small g-ma, can you make it bigger?
  • lol. yeah too small to see
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  • Much better. Yes, you definitely look younger than your age.
  • MegGaryMegGary member
    Well I see why. You look very young.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • you're like my mom -- she's 43 and whenever she's out and about with DS everyone thinks he's hers.  they freak when they find out it's her grandson and that her daughter is almost 24...quite the ego boost, huh?

    oh, and how's your daughter doing?  i remember you posting about her difficulties lately, and she's been in my thoughts....

  • This happens to my mom too!  She is 46 and I am 26 - people always think she is M's mom and I am some random aunt or something.  People have also thought I was married to my dad!  Ewww!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    m/c at 13 weeks - March 23, 2011
  • I can totally see that.  You are very youthful and you look a tad like Sarah Palin (that's a compliment).

    My mom is 56 and looks 35.  When we're out together, people think we're sisters.  I hate that!  Also, if she's holding Anna and I'm not around, people assume she's her mom.  What the heck?

    I hope I find the fountain of youth when I'm her age!

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