i am all about the right to bear arms, let me say that first. but this is pure stupidity! i read this on another message board.
my dh has about 9 guns layin around (literally) but ds isnt even
crawling yet and we havent even talked about it either. he plans on
teaching him all about the safety Im sure. eventually we can afford to
buy a safe. but for now they lay there, I think the parts are spread
around in diff areas of the house too
Re: here's some drama for your friday morning!
DMoney will be a kickass big sister
That is a little much!
We are going to have to buy a safe, for sure. ?DH's guns are not laying around, but they are just in cases.?
Two angel babies 11/09 and 4/10
I honestly don't know what to say. I can't believe a mother would be so cavalier about the safety of her child.
i know right! i told her to sell 1-2 of the guns for the money to buy a safe...
First off, a safe isn't very expensive. You can buy a gun locker for $100 or so.
Second, if the guns are "in parts all over the house" the chances of a baby putting the gun together and hurting himself are slim. But still, I wouldn't have guns just laying around the house, in parts or put together. All ours are locked up.
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Even if she can't afford a safe she should be able to afford a $20 case with a lock on it. Put the ammo in a different & safe location.
This is the kind of stuff that ruins it for those that are conscious of gun safety & it's importance.
I just typed three different sentences and none of them properly conveyed my frustration with this level of irresponsible parenting.
Some people are so dumb! Our housemates used to leave gun parts lying around their apartment area and it drove me nuts when I would go and visit them. Not to mention the ex-marine that lived in our basement and owned guns most people shouldn't. He was a heavy drinker and DH was always terrified he was going to accidentally fire one through our floor, or worse, into Brooke's room.
This is the same guy who commited suicide in our basement. Guns scare the crap out of me. I have an uncle who owns guns, and I trust him greatly with them. But other than that, NO. It only takes one time for a kid to get to a gun if they are not safely put away.