Hi everyone, just want to introduce myself. I'm Alison (35) and I've been off theknot/thenest since about 6 months after our wedding. My husband (Pat) and I just celebrated our second anniversary.
We passively TTC for the first year of our marriage (we just pulled the goalie but no tracking or even Ovulation Testing). Once I hit 35 in October we ramped it up a bit, started OPTs and tracking. Now we're getting serious. I have FSH bloodwork tomorrow, HSG on Weds and Progesterone in a couple weeks. Pat's having his S/A done as well. Then my OB/GYN will start me on Clomid for four months.
So, that's our story. Basically I have no family or friends in similar situations so I'm back to thenest for a bit of support - even if it's just to know that I'm not alone.
Just reading through the posts I've already learned a few things so thank you all!
Re: Introducing Myself
Hello and welcome to a great board!
Welcome to the board! When I was ttc #1 I didn't have any family or friends who were ttc either and this board was really supportive. Now that we're ttc #2 I'm still in the same situation (guess all my friends wanted to marry and procreate younger), so I'm back here again. Good luck!
I'm pretty new here, too, and also 35, and also from TK. This seems like such a great support group!
As some sweet one said to me, "may your stay here be short!"
Welcome to our humbl;e board
and...good luck!!!