Sean is having some issues, and I am 100% sure it is his reflux acting up again. I have a few questions for those of you whose LOs were/are on meds.
How old is your LO?
When did they start meds?
What med are they on, what is their dose?
How often do you have to get the dosage changed?
Has your LOs reflux gotten better or worse?
Did your pedi tell you that they want your LO off meds by a certain point(i.e. 9 months)?
Did solids improve your LOs reflux?
Thanks a ton! I'll explain why I am asking all this in another post.
Re: Reflux moms Qs?
How old is your LO? 8 months
When did they start meds? 3 months
What med are they on, what is their dose? Prilosec 6 ML/day & we thicken her formula with cereal.
How often do you have to get the dosage changed? We just had it increased from 4 to 6 ML/day because her reflux was getting a lot worse. The adjustment seems to have helped.
Has your LOs reflux gotten better or worse? A lot worse.
Did your pedi tell you that they want your LO off meds by a certain point(i.e. 9 months)? The plan was originally 9 months, but since there is no improvement, the pedi said we'd discuss the plan of action at her 9 month appointment.
Did solids improve your LOs reflux? It did for a month maybe, but then she regressed and her reflux came back worse than before.
How old is your LO? 5 months next week
When did they start meds? at about 1 month
What med are they on, what is their dose? zantac and he takes .7ml twice per day, but I actually think he may have outgrown his dose bc it has been acting up a lot more lately
How often do you have to get the dosage changed? they didn't change at our last appt (4 mos) but I am going to call about it
Has your LOs reflux gotten better or worse? It got a lot better for a while, and in general is much better than when he was really young. He used to not even eat really and just screamed for hours on end...definitely does not do that anymore
Did your pedi tell you that they want your LO off meds by a certain point(i.e. 9 months)? They had said that most babies outgrow it by about 6 months so I think they may attempt to take him off of his meds then.
Did solids improve your LOs reflux? Well our pedi does have us to thickened feeds (rice cereal in bottles) and that has really helped him keep his meals down and he is much happier. We have been doing this since about 3 mos. We also *just* started attempting solids off of a spoon and he does great. He seems to love them and they seem ok with his belly too.