Anyone who's ever had one... how did it go? Please share... the good, the bad, the ugly. Please be honest. Any suggestions for comfort. How long to get back to normal? What was worse the procedure or the problem that caused it?
I'm terrified of the dentist and I have to have a root canal tomorrow, Ahhhh I can't handle all this sh*t.
Re: Tell me about your root canal experience...
I had one about 14 years ago on one of my top front teeth after a bike accident. Since it was so long ago I don't remember much, except what sticks out in my mind was how much the anesthesia sucked - I think I had twilight sedation, I was still awake but out of it and felt weird and got really nauseated. I don't remember being in any pain though. Sorry I don't remember more to share with you!
I hope it goes ok - I read your other post and it seems you have a lot to deal with right now - big (((((((hugs))))))) to you!
Oh it was honestly the LEAST painful dental experience I ever had. No biggie at all. I swear! I don't know why root canals have such a bad rap.
Unfortunately, my tooth got really screwed up and the root canal didn't help, so I ended up with an implant. Now THAT really hurt!
Try not to panic- it is no worse than getting a filling. Probably better in my opinion since you get better drugs. I can't remember the recovery but I think it was like a day or less.
I've had 4 - yeah, I'm one of those lucky ones who has soft teeth. I've never been knocked out for one. The worst thing that happened during all of them was my jaw hurt for a few days from having my mouth open for that long. Other then that, nothing too major.
If you are having one of your top teeth done, be prepared that they will put novicaine in the top of your mouth and it feels weird.
I have had 2 and they were both soooo much easier than I thought bc of all the horrible experiences you hear about.
Def. take some tylenol/motrin before you go the worst part of it is afterwards bc your teeth are super sensitive and they hurt when they touch and that lasts about a day but that is the worst part of it all.
Good luck you can do it!!!!!!!