Annie did pretty awesome, I was a mess.
I told my pedi that we were only going to do the Dtap and Rotovirus today and he said that he doesn't even do rotovirus. I was very pleased that she would only be getting one today.
Well, then the bitchy LPN came in and said they only have a combination of dtap, polio, and hep b. They do have a separate dtap, but won't give it until they are 15 mos. I explained that I really wanted to wait until she was much older before giving the other two and she got very snotty with me. I refused for about 10 mins, but finally gave in. My only other option was to go to the health dept, and I really wish I would have. They might not have separate vaccines either, but it would have been worth a shot. I love, love, love her pedi, but I think I'm going to have to ask that that LPN not work with us.
Since both of those are series vaccines, do I have to keep going with them at the suggested intervals? I'd like to try and get back on the alternative schedule, but I'm afraid that I have screwed that up.
Annie cried really hard for about 15 seconds and then conked out. I started crying and had to stay in the room long enough to pull myself together. I was just so mad and sad for her.
2 month stats:
12 lbs and 22". Short and pudgey like her mama
Re: Vaccines = awful
I too am surprised you weren't able to get the separated shots. We are following the AAP schedule but Kate gets the separate vaccines. I wouldn't want to deal with that LPN again either.
P.S. Annie is a cutie!
I don't know a lot about the alternate schedule, but I do know that some of the vaccines cannot be separated, because they don't sell them that way. I don't know if these are like that, but perhaps that was an issue? I'm surprised your ped didn't know it was all in one, or maybe he assumed you meant the one combined shot?
I know it's hard, and the first set of shots are especially hard on momma. We chose not to do the alternate schedule because we hated the idea of subjecting him to shots more often. But you know whatever you do, it's good for her health in the long run, and honestly, she'll be fine. Might sleep a little more or be fussy from the pain of the injection site, give her some tylenol, it'll be ok. (((hugs)))