Parenting after a Loss


I hope I didn't offend you when I was talking about the small baby in Averys class.  I have a relatively small child too so I'm not thinking that because S is not the michelen baby that she is not healthy.  This baby looks like one of those horribly pathetic looking starving children they show to get you to send money (Just a $1 a day). I am constantly defending comments about Avery's size - DOOOOD I am not starving my child! She's just lean!

I think, well I am actually pretty certain, that there is something else going on with her.  Maybe its severe reflux and she doesn't want to eat?  maybe it's severe separation anxiety so she is so emotionally distraught that she doesn't want to eat? 

I know that the parents have started trying to feed her after she sleeps so she'll take a bottle because she refuses to do it while she's awake.  And I think a LOT of her crying is because of this... but I am no expert, I just know that it is taking one full time teacher to tend to her needs and therefore spreading out 7 other babies to one person.  Or if they can't tend to her needs, she screams and this is stressful to both teachers and babies.  

Re: MelissaSue81

  • No, i totally get what you're saying about this little baby.. and I would definitely be concerned about her neediness if I were you since it is taking away from the quality of your DDs care.. But, I'm sure her parents are well aware that she's teeny, and they probably are trying as best they can to fix it..I mean, the baby must go to the Dr, right? You did the right thing talking to the staff for sure.. I am just not sure that the right solution is talking to the babies mom.. i mean, how much can she do?
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
    m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
    Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
    Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
    baby growth
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