I talked to the Assistant Director today because she saw when I left today that I was visibly annoyed and the director had left for the day. (She initiated the conversation)
I told her that I was concerned that S was so inconsolable. I asked that maybe the talk to the parents and take her to a doctor because it was more than just being upset. I told her that I felt like her high demands were stressing out the teachers, they seem exhausted with trying to console her and it was also very disruptive to the other babies.
I told her that as a parent, I felt like time was being taken away from my child and to that she added that she didn't want the other babies to be neglected. (Her daughter is also in Avery's class, so this should be a concern of hers as well, IMO).
She told me they are goin gto talk to S's mom and see what more they can do. If I don't see some sort of improvement in a week (added teacher or something), then I will make a formal complaint about it. It's just not fair for Avery and the other babies (and the teachers) to have to spend 8+ hours a day dealing with that. I pay too much money to them for my child to be stressed out.
Re: Update to Day Care Vent
the only thing I can think of is that they knew she was trouble but maybe they were waiting for a parent to say something??? I don't know.
What bothers me is that they said she was/is premature. And she is SOOOOOOOO tiny. I mean she is 6 1/2 months old and she is the size of a 2 month old. I haven't (of course) picked her up but I can't imagine her weighing more than 10 lbs. She is still skinny like newborns are.
I don't know. DD is still pretty skinny and all she does is eat/nurse. When she's stretched out, I can totally see her ribs. My niece is the same way. So I don't think you can go by that. Ya know??Meredith only just reached 15lbs. Fredsney's baby is also small. ?
Some babies are just small. Some babies have a hard time gaining weight, etc. Not that I'm saying that she doesn't have an issue, but you just can't tell by looking at the baby. ?
I get why you're concerned that this baby is stressing out the teachers and other kids and how you might think that something is wrong.. but what does her being small have to do with anything? I met a 5 month old who weighed 10lbs a couple weeks ago.. but he was perfectly happy and healthy.. My baby is really small too and I don't know.. it kind of offends me that you are implying that small baby=not healthy..
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
Chiming in as an Asst. Dir. of Child Care with a baby in the Infant room:)
Yes, I think you have a perfectly valid concern. We have had similar situations (we have one right now) and ultimately, they are heartbreaking. We want to provide the best environment for "our" children and we want to serve as many families as we can, but we have to maintain a healthy environment for the center as a whole. Like any business, if all the resources are being poured into one area, other areas suffer.
What we have done in the past is we sat down with the families and were upfront about our concerns and made it clear that we want what is best for their child. If their child is extremely upset the majority of their time with us and we've worked with the parents to figure out ways to make their experience pleasant, then it really is on the parent to make that call that perhaps this isn't the right set up. That breaks our hearts.
We have a toddler who transitioned from the infant room to the toddler room about 2 months ago and would scream (for no reason) when it was naptime. It was to the point where he was disrupting the other childrens' napping. Thankfully his mother is a saint and is extremely amicable and accepted our terms that if the screaming continued, we would have to discuss alternate care. Thankfully it simmered down and he's a peach now, but these things do happen and your center is probably prepared to deal with such cases.