Parenting after a Loss

lansinoh bags leak

Lately wehn I have been thawing milk there is always one bag that leaks. I have probably lost 8oz so far!

Anyone else have this issue?

Re: lansinoh bags leak

  • no, but i did have an issue with the medela ones.  sorry you've lost milk!
  • I have noticed that they have a tiny leak at the zipper area.  very annoying. 
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  • Yeah, if the bag drops or falls, it breaks and then leaks. It's a PITA! I started thawing it in Tupperware containers.
  • imageECUTeacher:
    Yeah, if the bag drops or falls, it breaks and then leaks. It's a PITA! I started thawing it in Tupperware containers.

    good idea!  I would just send it frozen but i froze all different oz. (3-6) and he only eats 4.

  • I have had good luck with them- only had 1 bag leak in almost 10 months= i like them better than the medela ones because they hold alot more.  just make sure the zippers are totally sealed.
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  • Yeah.  I have had probably about 7-10 or so leak.  I used over 200 bags though.  It is really annoying because the milk usually goes bad when their even with a pinpoint hole, so I end up throwing out the whole thing.  :(
    imageimageimageimageimage 9/07 m/c baby boy @ 18wks, 4/09 m/c @ 4.5wks
  • imageECUTeacher:
    Yeah, if the bag drops or falls, it breaks and then leaks. It's a PITA! I started thawing it in Tupperware containers.

    Thanks for this tip!  I would lose sleep over what little milk I have gone.

  • for the bags that have a pinhole leak, because I'm too cheap to get another one out, I put it in a zip lock baggie so that it doesn't leak, and that the milk doesn't go bad
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