Parenting after a Loss

ds doesn't like me

ok, i know this isn't true, but today it sure feels like it.

he was all smiles and laughs and full of good nature for my mom this morning while i went to work. he took a great nap for her too. i get home at 1 and he's been nothing but fussy and refusing to nap. i'm exhausted. i was hoping to get a nap in myself, nope.

Re: ds doesn't like me

  • Whenever my DD doesn't nap, I just pretend it is because she doesn't want to miss out on any time with me. ?If she naps for other people thats ok, she is trying to save her awake hours for her mommy.

    Although I'm like you and wishing she wouldn't be fussy so I could nap too. ?Hope you get some sleep in!?

  • I agree with AJ.  Sometimes on the weekend dd struggles to nap and I tell myself it is because she wants to hang out with dh and I.  I hope you get a break soon!
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