Parenting after a Loss

Dear Friend,

I am working with thousands of other parents and families to make children safer by eliminating the toxic chemical BPA in bottles and other containers children use. I thought you might be interested, too. BPA has been linked to many chronic diseases and disorders--- and fetuses, babies, and children are especially vulnerable.

Even though there?s been a lot of media attention about toxic chemicals in kids products over the last year, toxic chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA) are still found in product that kids use every day like baby bottles, sports water bottles, the lining of formula cans, and sippy cups. This is a significant problem because more than 200 studies have linked BPA exposures at very low doses to breast and prostate cancer, obesity, diabetes, altered development of the brain and immune systems, lowered sperm counts and early puberty. Growing children are also especially at risk from BPA because they have smaller bodies. In fact, BPA is so toxic that even very small amounts have been shown to cross the placenta and impact prenatal development.

Together we can change this! Urge Congress to pass the Ban Poisonous Additives Act, which will prohibit the sale of food and beverage containers that contain BPA.

Click here to learn more about this legislation. 

Thank you!


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