Just an update, as several of us are dealing with one or the other of these issues. I had my annual gyno appointment today, where we talked about the problems I've been having.
Since pregnancy, I've had some urinary incontinence and urgency, as many of us have. She said to do my Kegels. I always forget. She said if it got bad, she'd refer me to a PT for "biofeedback" something or other. But I don't think mine is that bad, and I'd rather give the Kegels a try first. The PT thing sounds scary! lol
Even though I had a c-section, I've had pain with sex ever since pregnancy. I thought it would get better with time, but it hasn't. Though we hardly have sex very often, so that could still help. Yeah, so apparently, I became a (sort of) virgin again! lol! She said this isn't common, but that my hymen partially grew back or something. She said there's something there that wasn't there before I was pregnant, a small piece, but enough that it was painful when she was checking around there. So we're supposed to try more lube, stretching w/foreplay, and hope that eventually it will stretch back out again. She said if it doesn't get better or still bothers me a lot, she could do a sort of episiotomy to fix it, but ouch! only as a last resort. I know we didn't have much sex during pregnancy, nor after, but who knew I'd be re-virginized!?! lol
Anyway, since many of us are dealing with this, I thought I'd share.
Re: Dr's advice on pain w/sex issue and urinary issues
I'm sorry you even have to be dealing with this, but?at least it didn't get to big. Right? I mean if there has to be a silver lining that could be it.?
I hope it gets better for you soon. ?
remember the friends episode where ross and chandler get bullied by those guys at the coffee house? they're going to fight them as a rite of manhood or something and chandler says, "can't we just lose our virginities again cause i think mine grew back!"
who knew it was actually possible!
Can I nickname you the Virgin Mommy?
Ok, just kidding:) That is crazy though! I agree that PT sounds a bit scary... I'm terrible with Kegels too.