I have a question oh wise one!
Our doc said we could give jake (2yrs old) a little benadryl do help his nose not be so stuffy, she didn't say how much or any specifics and DH was the one that took him. Ugh- he never ask questions!
Is it common to give a 2yr old benadryl?? I thought they weren't supposed to get that stuff until they were like 4?
Re: hey bubs!
It's not really a medical reason why they say don't give the meds to kids under four. People were od'ing their kids without consulting the doc on what/how much to give.
Benadryl is fine. He would get the same amount of Benadryl that he would get of Children's Tylenol. One teaspoonful is typically the dose given. It can make him sleepy, but it can also have the reverse effect and make him hyper.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Oh I see! Dang. stupid people ruin it for everyone, LOL
Thank you!!!