Just when life should be calming down, it has to get all crazy again. We just got through graduation at work, which means more of a regular schedule for me and time to get all of the things I've been putting off done! So life should be good right? Nope - DH is being a complete jerk and I've reached my limit. I don't even know how to explain what is going on other to than to say that I've been working for almost a year to get him something that he really wants....then yesterday after a conversation with a huger jerk of a neighbor - he decides he no longer wants this item....I'm beyond pissed! I broke down last night and have been avoiding him today because I just don't even want to talk to him!!!
And on top of this, he informs me that I'll need to ruch home from our end of the year work happy hour tomorrow because he has a softball game....ok, it would be one thing to ask me, but to tell me - I don't think so. Hello you have a softball once if not twice a week - I have this happy hour once a year...
Men suck today!!!
Re: Why can't life ever be easy