Parenting after a Loss

redness in skin folds

Should I be treating the redness in my son's skin folds in his diaper area? It does not appear to me to be diaper rash, per se, but when I spread the folds apart to wipe, I notice that it is a little red. He doens't seem bothered at all, and I would prefer not to use chemicals or anything un-natural if possible.

Re: redness in skin folds

  • At DD's 1 month checkup her pedi noticed redness in her folds down there and prescribed Nystatin for a yeast infection.  I never would've thought anything of it, but sure enough that's what it was!  Perhaps that's what your little guy has going on? 

    There are natural rememdies for baby YI's if you want to give that a try before calling the doc.  GL!

  • While it might not be diaper rash per se, it could be irritation from moisture etc. in the diaper; some babies are more sensitive to that than others, and unless you let them "air dry" before you rediaper, those little folds can hold moisture.

    Have you thought about getting and using a natural diaper rash balm, both as a preventative and to treat?  One of the mamas on this board (I wish I could remember who it was) recommended the All Natural Diaper Rash Salves from Northern Essence a couple of weeks ago.  I am planning on using all natural products as much as possible for this baby, so I ordered some to have on hand.  While I haven't used it on the baby yet (since he's still chillin' in the ute), it smells wonderful, and it's a very nice texture.  (It's made with ingredients that are natural skin healers/soothers, like calendula and lavender.)

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  • DD gets that too - especially if it is hot and she is in her car seat - I guess not enough air circulation. ?When I see some redness, I make sure to give DD lots of diaper free time. ?I also use a little bit of aquaphor and it clears up quickly. ?The aquaphor doesn't have a lot of chemicals - as it isn't just for diaper rash.
  • Put plain vaseline in his folds  - they are just irritated because of the moisture probably.

    we use vaseline on EVERYTHING  it's wonderful stuff

  • ammcammc member
    I used some baby cornstarch/baby powder to absorb the extra moisture and it did the trick.
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