Parenting after a Loss


I saw your post about crawling and really it came about so suddenly. We noticed that she would hold herself up on all fours and then next week, she would look as if she was rocking back n forth and then bam... she moved. It was all with in a 4 week time span. Now, she is mobile...

I have to admit - I feel a little relieved. As a young babe (up until 3.5 months), DD hated tummy time and I thought for sure we would have issues. To be honest, I think daycare has really hepled her. When she first started, I told the teacher that I was concerned about her dislike of tummy time and they said they would work with her.

Re: **Scat**

  • Well, and you are right, it is astonishing how they literally don't do something one day and then the next, bam, they are doing something new. It's extraordinary, isn't it? You can literally see their minds working, puzzling something out.

    Good for your daycare for working with her!

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