Parenting after a Loss

toy shopping is in my future

as much as hadley would probably be content to chew on burp cloths all day for entertainment, i am in serious need of more toys to entertain her during the day while i work.  the play mat and bouncy seat are still great, but with the swing no longer in the "acceptable to my fussy baby" rotation, it's time to find more things to keep her busy even if only for a few minutes at a time.

toy shopping is on the schedule for next weekend....and i plan on doing it ALONE while mr. soup watches the babe.  i've already had to give him a pep talk.  it's going to be a long week leading up to this excursion.

Re: toy shopping is in my future

  • Yay! Sounds like fun :) And some nice alone time to shop will be nice too. I'm sure Mr. Soup will step up... or else he'll have all of us knocking on the door ready to kick him in the shins...
    Married 6-30-07, BFP 9-1-07, M/C & D&C 10-5-07, BFP #2 6-20-08, BFP #3 3-28-2010 Mommy to Ethan born 2-22-09 7lbs 13.5oz & 21" long SAL Buddy to March04b2b imageFamily Blog|Food Blog
  • Do you have a Buy Buy Baby near you? We went to one today for the first time and they have SOOOO many more toys than BRU..
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
    m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
    Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
    Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
    baby growth
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  •  3 months is right around the time when DD discovered toys. I have a sceret: craislist and garage sales are must hits for toys. I scored several newer & name brand toys for next to nothing. A litttle cleaning and voila - a great new toy for next to nothing!!

     I still buy toys brand new but nothing beats a toy that was $3.00 and retails for $50 ar target  Yes

  • Ditto Mel...garage sales and Craigslist are a gold mine. I've found all the bigger items (swings, exersaucer, etc) used.

    Good for making Mr. Soup watch her alone. The more he does it, the more comfortable he will get with it, and you will be so much freer. :-)

  • Fun I love shopping for new toys.
  • If you're planning on going to a big retail store, and you have one near you, TRU has WAY more selection than BRU does, even for wee ones.  At least, that's how it is where I live.  BRU has a super crappy selection of infant toys. :(
  • Have fun shopping!  This is about the time we introduced the exersaucer and the johnny jump up.  A little tip-- if you want a jumper, go with the johnny jump up (the kind that goes in a doorway) vs. the jumperoo (the kind on a frame) for a cheap addition to your baby circuits.  I think it's around $20 vs. $100 and then you can buy a whole other toy with the money you save!

    Do you have the Bumbo tray?  I just got ours out yesterday and could kick myself for not remembering it was in DD's closet all this time.  That's another inexpensive option.  Also those plastic chain links-- that's really the only "toy" DD plays with and only bc she loves them SO much.  We have a couple sets and they go everywhere with us.

    I'll be interested to see if anyone has other ideas.  We could use a new "thing" around here.

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