Parenting after a Loss

i need to AW - re: eating!!

you might remember, after DS's 9mo check-up that he was not gaining weight and was having lots of trouble eating anything chunkier than veggie purees. ?he has a terrible gag and would end up throwing up.

well, we have been working REALLY hard on this for the past month or so. ?tonight for dinner he ate:

- 1/2 jar of stage 3 turkey and veggies (lots of bitty chunks!!)

- one ENTIRE petite banana, mashed only with a spoon

and.......wait for it!! .................

a sweet potato fry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ? the whole thing!!!!

this is so huge for us! ?he is finally figuring out this whole eating thing!! ?and i just knew that you could all be excited for/with me! ?my IRL friends have kids with no eating issues so they would not understand how big this is for us!!! ?

thanks for letting me AW?

Re: i need to AW - re: eating!!

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