Parenting after a Loss

Question about walking

If your LO is walking, what was the progression once he/she started standing?

K has been pulling up for about 6 weeks.  He has been getting braver, and everyday he lets go a little more.  The last couple of days he has been letting go when he stands up.  And he has been working on standing straight up from a sit without support (he has done in a few times in the last week but usually chickens out).  We think he'll probably take his first step in the next month (though I don't know whether to expect sooner or later).  I'm worried our babysitter will encourage him to walk when we aren't here even though I told her not to.

Re: Question about walking

  • DD started to pull up on toys, furniture, etc. Then she started cruising around those things by herself. Now she's walking with assistance (holding someone's hands). She's only just starting to stand without assistance. She did it for a few seconds yesterday.?

    That's as far as we've gotten so far. ?

  • DD started pulling up months ago, started "cruising" the furniture probably two months ago, and just started walking two weeks ago.  I was actually surprised how long it took to transition to walking.  We did a lot of practice with her (i.e. holding her hands and walking her around the living room, encouraging her to take a few steps unassisted). 

     The first time she took a few steps, i was so emotional.  I swear I saw her life flash before my eyes!

    It was so strange because all of a sudden, one Saturday, she just started walking.  And now she walks all of the time.

    I think she probably started walking at day care, but those people are savvy enough to let her demonstrate her firsts at home (they probably didn't tell us).  That's why i pay them the big bucks!!

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  • neen01neen01 member

    Jenna could stand on her own without holding on to anything before she started pulling up - 6m

    She pulled to standing and cruised for a bit after that and walking if we helped her.

    Took her first steps randomly a week before she turned 8 months so I guess maybe 1.5 months after she was cruising.

    She took a bunch of steps 8m 1d and was walking a few days after that.  Once she started walking she got so much better each day so quickly.

     I noticed that as I was helping her everyday she would need less and less help.  She got really good at pushing her toy car thing around and because she wasn't crawling she really wanted to get stuff which motivated her to walk.

    I must say it is soo fun to watch her walk around - I love it!

    Janine image image image
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