Parenting after a Loss

I think I'm losing some of my supply

I have always had tons of supply. I used to make 32 oz pumping just at work! I tried to cut back and successfully got to 20-15 oz. Well, last week several things came up and I didn't have time to pump as much as I should. I usually got 15 oz, but not all the time. Then Friday, we went on the field trip and I went from 8-4 without pumping. I pumped 3 times from 4-9 and only got 12 oz!

Austin has been waking up every 2 hrs to eat the last 2 nights and I am wondering if it's because my supply is low.

I always eat oatmeal in the morning and I am going to pump as much as possible although it will be hard due to state testing this week. Any other suggestions?

Re: I think I'm losing some of my supply

  • I'm dealing with this too and am realizing that part of it is just that my supply is finally regulating.  I had a pretty big oversupply in the past.  Here are my suggestions:

    *nurse Austin as much as both of you can stand

    *pump as often as possible at work (they're just taking the test, right?  they don't need you looking at them while they do it!)

    *drink lots and lots and lots of water

    *eat a high-protein diet

    *get enough rest

    *don't stress about it.  It's situations like these that you have a stash for.  Getting stressed out about it will make things worse! (easier said than done)

  • I recently had a dip in supply too.  Fenugreek 3 times/day seemed to help, as well as just letting Evie nurse as often as possible.  I also started pumping soon after I nursed her in the morning to get more for my stash.


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  • Thanks!

    Berty- It's a state test. Legally I have to be in there with them. I wish I could leave!

  • Yours has to be the teacher of record?  That just sucks!  We just have to have a teacher from the school present, so someone from a non-testing grade can cover if needed.  Sorry for advising you to break the law!  I am a big supporter of BFing, but I would feel bad if I got you locked up for working to bring your supply up Wink
  • well, my supply has been in the crapper for the last month.  i tried fenugreek but it did nothing for me.  i am now taking domperidone and i think it may be helping a bit now (it's been almost a week and have just noticed a small increase in the last 2 days). 

    i've been trying to make a better effort to offer hadley the boob every 2 hours during the day instead of waiting for her to want it.  i've also been power pumping about a half hour after she goes to bed.  i had never tried this before but the extra 3oz. i tend to get in that hour seem to be helping me stress less.

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